Thursday, March 3, 2011


Yesterday afternoon, while at a playdate with my homeschool group Tomas went into respiratory distress and his nurse called EMS. He stabilizied pretty quick and we had a relatively non-urgent ambulance ride to the hospital. His J tube had clogged a few minutes before the event, but I was able to rock the syringe and get it clear. Then he began acting like he was in pain and the distress came shortly after.
We were taken down to Dallas as the EMS thought his situation was too much for the satellite campus, and were in the ER for 12 hours before being moved up to the GI floor.
Several x-rays, fluoroscopies, labs, and tests later we don't know much, except he doesn't have a UTI, his tube placement is good, and he doesn't have strep. He did get a new tube placed today because the J valve was leaky, but that is unrelated.
The plan right now is to try to get him co-ordinated for an endoscopy, bone marrow biopsy, fasting study, and metabolic testing all before the weekend. It would really stink to have to come home just to go back and do all that testing!
He is on full gut rest right now and eventually we will run pedilayte and then formula through. He was incredibly distended and had lots of bile leaking out of his J port yesterday. Today, after a day of no feeds, he is back to normal.
As always, I am praying that this is the time something shows up on their radar screen.


  1. Waiting for news! Good news! Something!
    Sending prayers!

  2. So sorry for another hospital stint. Praying for some good news to come out of it.
