Monday, March 8, 2010

All right, Tomas' nose is finally starting to dry up. He is sleeping better than he has in days which enables me to finally THANK Stephanie for nominating me for the Beautiful Blogger award.

The rules to this award are: (followed by my commentary)

1. Thank the person who nominated me for this award. (See above - I am so very glad to have blogfriended you - just wish RI and TX weren't so far apart)
2. Copy the award & place it on my blog. (Depsite my best efforts and some help from Stephanie, I simply can not get that picture to paste on this post. I do not know why, I do not want to know why, I merely need to move on so I can stop obsessing about blog buttons)
3. Link to the person who nominated me for this award. (I did figure this one out so I will consider that my success)
4. Share 7 interesting things about myself. (See below)
5. Nominate 7 bloggers. (Here's the thing, most of the blogs I follow were already nominated. I just started following some different ones but I don't know the writers well enough  yet - so I'm going to have to break this one)

7 interesting things about myself:

1. I am a procrastinator extraordinare - which is why it took me seven days to pass this on.
2. I homeschool.
3.My husband and I have moved 5 times, lived in five states and owned 5 houses. All him, I just follow along.
4. I can not stand when things are crooked in my house. Pictures, beds against the walls, chairs not lined up properly. This is more of an OCD type thing, but my husband finds it amusing.
5. I used to speak italian conversationally, but it has been so many years I've lost it. Every now and then I dream in italian and understand everything but can't remember a word after I wake up.
6. I love math and numbers and after my kids are grown I hope to teach math in grade school so more people will love it too.
7. I thank God for all the beautiful moments in my life. When something sweet, our touching, or sunny, or happy, or whatever crosses my path I offer up a  quick thank you to the Lord for making so many lovely things here on earth.

Now for the nominations:
1. I have to start with Heidi. She was the person who called me back when I called our local DS guild and just needed to hear that things do get better (medically speaking) with our babies. Her Henry is the picture of a strong, healthy 2 year old. It is her oh-so-lovely blog that made me turn all my email updates into my own blog.
2. Cheryl at Ruby's Life. She lives fairly close and I look forward to meeting up with her one day.
3. Here is where I break the rules, this isn't really a nomination but please go check ou this site and pray for this family. We have known them since before we all had kids and there little boy needs heart surgery. Jen is a great friend, an amazing mom, and surrounded by boys!


1 comment:

  1. Dorathy you are the best friend a girl could have! You made me tear up! I wish we were closer so we could visit. I am so happy that Tomas is doing better. I love that when you and I talk- you get it! I just found out that after Keeghan's open heart we will be on house arrest for 2 weeks, and seeing the pediatrician weekly along with Cardiology wheww!! I'll have as many appointments as you guys! Thank you for lifting me up! Love you! Jen
